
Once upon a time...
I've been in advertising for many years, but I never get tired of making up stories. One good story can change the whole world. I don't always know how my script will end. Many good stories just live their own lives.
Breast memories
Every day one woman dies from breast cancer in Ukraine. This can be prevented by undergoing a breast screening once a year. But women still start their day by checking posts on social networks instead of remembering to visit a mammologist. Copywriter: Valentyna Pavlychenko. Art Director: Mykola Sokolov. Editor: Sergiy Ostapenko
The Motherland
Many Ukrainians leave their country and are not able to come back home. The story is about a Ukrainian emigrant who has not been in Ukraine for many years. Outcome: more than 3 million views on Samsung Ukraine YouTube channel. Top 10 on Samsung Ukraine YouTube. Almost 2,5 million unique visitors watched the video, according to Gemius. Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Copywriter: Dmytro Zezyulin. Art Director: Eugen Ovchar. Director: Max Smetana. Studio: No Stars.
Eye flattener
The story is about a fictional character Alex Bessonov who invented the "Eye Flattener" - a device that makes your eyes flat on a TV screen. His prank video made him an Internet celebrity. Targeting a young audience Samsung launched a Curved UHD TV with the message "Perfect shape of the human eye".
Results: 250 000 views on YouTube. Over 120 mentions in online media. Leadership in the UHD TV category. Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Copywriter: Igor Tulub. Director: Max Kjonda. Studio: Radioactive Films
The miracle
The story is about a little girl whose father made her believe in miracles. The video for Samsung Add Wash. Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Copywriter: Pavel Pastushenko, Art Director: Timur Amirkhanov, Director: Max Kjonda, Studio: Esse House
The polar story
This large refrigerator can fit a lot of things, even your fantasies. Agency: Cheil Ukraine.
Copywriter: Sashko Korzh. Art Director: Alexander Falcone. Director: Max Ksjonda
The evolution of the Ukrainian culture was boosted with Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Copywriter: Dmytro Zezyulin. Art Director: Eugene Ovchar. Director: Sasha Stekolenko. Studio: Magai
Pedestrian ghost
Social initiative against speeding on the road supported by Shell. Awarded at the advertising festivals: Art-director's Club of Europe, "White Square" Minsks, "Golden Hammer" Riga. Agency: JWT Ukraine. Art Director: Denys Savchenko. Copywriter: Anna Geraskina
The postcard studio
Welcome to the first-ever Samsung mono product shop. With the smartphone Galaxy Note9 only. We changed an ordinary store to the Samsung Galaxy Note9 Postcard Studio. Agency: Cheil Ukraine, Cheil Worldwide. Account Planning Director: Hosea Hyunho Lee. Copywriter: Ruslan Muradov. Art Director: Eugene Ovchar. Designer: Sungwook Kwon
Cleaning up cat hair is a battle. And there is something that can make this job much easier. The most powerful tool that our heroine has in her arsenal is the vacuum cleaner Samsung Anti-Tangle. Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Copywriter: Anna Krapivka, Pavlo Pastushenko. Art Director: Alexander Falcone. Director: Pavlo Buryak. Studio: Esse House.

Shluni film critic
Shluni (Tummy), is the main hero of Bayer TV advertising. He appears on Facebook as a film critic. He can not "digest" the bad movies. He posts funny comments about the films. Award: Art Director's Club of Ukraine

Agency: Cheil Ukraine. Art Director: Yurko Horbachevsky

Agency: JWT Ukraine. Art Director: Pavel Melnyk-Krysachenko. Award: Kyiv Advertising Festival